AEFANT20 – Shroom’s End

By: Aether Studios


Shroom’s End is a cozy little magic mushroom shack deep in the wilds of the Aach’yn forests. Travellers from far and wide find it a welcome refuge, with none turned away. Those who stay tend to gain an understanding to a new reality, and ascertain meaning across a discordant universe.

This set was sculpted by the very talented hands of our head sculptor Nasos Maloudis and goes well with all of our fantasy series.

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Shroom’s End is a cozy little magic mushroom shack deep in the wilds of the Aach’yn forests. Travellers from far and wide find it a welcome refuge, with none turned away. Those who stay tend to gain an understanding to a new reality, and ascertain meaning across a discordant universe.

This set was sculpted by the very talented hands of our head sculptor Nasos Maloudis and goes well with all of our fantasy series.

Model Scale

28 mm

Support Details

Supportless (Doesn't require supports to print)

Print Dimensions

Not Listed

Included Files

Not Listed

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